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Services offers you several additional services around Matrix chat.


The service can be used to send and receive https push notifications. If you don't want to use the common Google Push Service, you can use the domain and keep notifications in house.

Why do I even want to do this complicated configuration?

The normal way to receive notifications is via a Google service. Since you've already started using Matrix, it only makes sense to further isolate yourself from Google services. Just remember that every communication is stored through Google and they use and probably sell your data.

  1. Download the app NTFY (for Android and iOS) and configure the address in the app settings, Settings > Default server.
  2. After that you have to change the push service in the Element / Schildichat app.
    Open settings and navigate to notifications > notification method and select ntfy instead of Google Services.
  3. Now check the notification settings of the NTFY app itself. It needs to be able to send system-wide notifications.
  4. Close the Element app, lock your phone and ask someone to send you a message. If it doesn't notify you asap you also have to open up the NTFY app again and switch to socket notification. You should be notified by the NTFY app by an internal message.
  5. Now check again if you receive notifications.

Background activity

Since Android is very strict about battery consumption and tries to put every app to sleep mode, you need to configure the setting manually.

Unfortunately you have to configure the battery usage on Android devices for each app that uses the NTFY app and the Element app itself. Depending on the os version you can find this setting by holding the app icon and press the information icon in the top right corner. You will get into the app settings and find the battery menu in the middle of the page. Select the top option like not restricted.

I don't have an iPhone so you have to google it, sorry.

Running service versions

Service Module Version
matrix-beeper-linkedin v0.5.4
matrix-client-element vectorim/element-web v1.11.7274
matrix-bot-draupnir gnuxie/draupnir:v1.85.1 gnuxie/draupnir:v1.85.1
matrix-bot-maubot v0.4.1
matrix-bot-postmoogle v0.9.20
matrix-appservice-slack matrixdotorg/matrix-appservice-slack 2.1.2
matrix-mautrix-discord 0.6.5
matrix-mautrix-googlechat v0.5.2
matrix-mautrix-gmessages v0.4.3
matrix-mautrix-meta-messenger v0.3.2
matrix-mautrix-meta-instagram v0.3.2
matrix-mautrix-signal-go v0.6.3
matrix-mautrix-telegram v0.15.1
matrix-mautrix-whatsapp v0.10.9
matrix-ntfy binwiederhier/ntfy v2.10.0
matrix-sliding-sync v0.99.18
matrix-synapse localhost/matrixdotorg/synapse v1.112.113.0