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Keep an eye on this page to stay informed about important changes to

There are no updates... Had a configuration issue which went online. There is no change but you still have to consent again. Sorry!

Additionally I've added history information to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use pages. No other changes were made to the pages at all!

2024-01-12 Trying to fix MatrixHQ states

Some weeks ago ppl tried to join the huge MatrixHQ room on This room is

2024-01-09 New website logo, First steps and updated pages

Todays announcement is about presenting the new logo and informing about a fresh update of most of the pages, like Bots, Bridges and Services.

If you would like to link on your website, you can of course use the logo in conjunction with. now has a new public space for RSS feeds. Each room is assigned a feed and updates once an hour.

The Postmoogle bot allows every user to receive and send emails via The Bots page describes what you need to do for your personal email address.

I have created a "First steps" guide on how to start on for new users.

2024-01-06 Revision of the website

I've been working on redesigning the website for a few hours now. I switched from the mkdocs for materials software to Bookstack, which makes working on the individual pages much easier.
In addition to updates to the Bridges, Bots and Services pages, illustrated instructions for the first steps to your own account have now been added.
In addition, you now have a clear overview of the changes to the server on the announcements page.

2024-01-05 Update of the Signal bridge bot



If you want to have all Signal chats in you very own Signal space you have to run the command !signal sync-spaces in you personal Singal management room.


The new maubot can be invited in every unencrypted room. It response to many commands and mostly used for fun actions.

2024-01-04 New Signal bridge bot

The new Signal bridge was installed on top of the existing installation. All devices which have been connected before the 3rd of January 2024 needs to be re-linked manually. Every command has to start with the prefix !signal so talk to the bridge bot.

In case you have problems with the Signal bot please kick the user out of the management room, leave that room, create a new unencrypted room and invite the bot again.